Saturday, February 10, 2007

Charity Knitting...and things

Ginny and I took some more of the charity knitty from the guild we use to belong the Women's Center at the hospital and they were really glad to get all the hats, blankets, sweaters, booties, burial buntings....... they really use everything the guild sends them. I will miss doing the charity knitting with some of my friends in the guild. Ginny and I will still be knitting and taking things to them though.

It really saddens me about the whole guild thing....but... phone conversations, emails, and LACK OF emails just affirms that I did the right thing. I had hoped that someday things would change and that I might be able to visit the guild again...but someone made that quite clear that I could not. So... I will just keep on with my life and count it as a lesson learned...

I am working on a hat for Beth's friend. I hope she will like it and it will fit......I am used to doing preemie baby

I am also hoping to get started on another pair of socks. I bought some lime colored
sock yarn at Gourmet Yarn to go with another yarn.....they should be interesting. I hope to figure out how to use my mini cam to take pictures so that I can post them here. I have a few things I would like to share.

Guess that is all for now!


Susan said...

Oh bummer, Anna! Things like that are so saddening, but perhaps better in the long run. Doesn't sound like a good affirming place to visit, that's for sure.

Anonymous said...

We did do the right thing. Now just stop going to the evil yarn shop! lol